Squash Galette

The savoury squash galette not only looks amazing, it is delicious. Wonderful as a starter to a special meal or a comfort mid-week dinner. The Koginut squash is the best choice for a galette. It displays heirloom flavour traits. It’s sweet & nutty with hints of citrus & vanilla. The texture is velvety, smooth & creamy. Grown locally in Norfolk County.

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This recipe requires a few uncomplicated steps. Most components can be made days ahead. Keep the galette vegetable centric or change it up a little, add prosciutto or bacon. Scout out the market for Koginut squash, if difficult to find, the perfect substitute is Kuri squash or Hubbard squash.

Ingredients for filling

  • 1 koginut squash

  • maple syrup

  • 1 leek

  • 2 thyme sprigs

  • 5-8 sage leaves

  • handful of olives

  • prosciutto (optional)

  • 2 tsp Fall Spice Blend

  • St Maure, farmhouse goat’s cheese natural rind (or any other soft goats cheese)

TIP: replace goat cheese with Benedictine Blue from St Benoit-du-lac, Quebec pair this with rosemary to replace the sage

  • olive oil

  • 1 egg

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Ingredients for pastry dough

  • 1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour

  • 1/2 tsp salt

  • 1/2 cup chilled butter cut into 1” cubes

  • 4-8 TBSP ice water

Step 1: Preparing the squash

  • cut off top and bottom of squash

  • very carefully cut down the centre of the squash

  • scoop out the seeds

  • lay the squash flat

  • cut along the indented ridges

Step 2: Roasting the squash

  • pre-heat oven to 425°F

  • place squash wedges on a parchment lined sheet pan

  • drizzle with olive oil, salt, pepper, maple syrup

  • roast 20-30 minutes, the squash should be golden brown around the edges

TIP: pierce with a paring knife, inserts easily when roasted throughout

  • cool, remove from sheet pan

Step 3: Squash mash

  • select 5-7 squash wedges and set aside

  • place remaining wedges into a bowl

  • mash with a fork

  • add sage chiffonade

  • sprinkle with Fall Spice Blend, set aside

Step 4: Sautéing leeks

  • wash leeks to remove grit, dry & slice thinly

  • heat oil in skillet, add leeks, season with salt, stir occasionally until tender

TIP: careful not to brown leeks, they impart bitter flavours

  • add fresh thyme leaves

  • transfer to a bowl, cool, set aside

Step 5: Slicing goat’s cheese

  • slice cold cheese medium thickness, set onto parchment paper and place back into refrigerator until ready to use

TIP: Sainte Maure is a buttery, smooth, drier, dense cheese.

Step 6: Sage chiffonade

  • chiffonade or chop sage last minute to prevent discolouration

TIP: replace sage with rosemary, more thyme or a combination of the three, endless possibilities.

Step 7: Making the dough

  • pulse the flour & salt in a food processor until combined

  • add cold butter cubes, one at a time and allow the butter to fall into the flour

  • pulse 20 times, until the mixture resembles a course meal

  • with the processor running slowly add 4 TBSP of ice water until the dough holds together

  • if dough not holding together continue to add small amounts of water

  • careful not to over process

  • divide the dough in two, wrap with plastic wrap, refrigerate overnight

TIP: This recipe yields 2 rounds of dough. Freeze the second dough round for the next galette or double up on the filling to make two galettes.

Step 8: Rolling the dough

  • pre-heat oven to 375 ° F

  • place chilled dough on a lightly floured work surface, roll the dough out into a 10-12” round

  • transfer the dough to a baking mat or parchment paper

TIP: roll the dough directly on the baking mat or parchment paper

Step 9: Assembling the galette

  • smear a layer of squash mash on the dough, leave a 2” boarder

  • place the squash wedges on top of squash mash edging

  • season with Fall Spice Blend

  • top with sautéed leek

  • sprinkle remaining sage leaves

  • sprinkle with prosciutto (optional)

  • sprinkle with olives

Step 10: Folding the dough

  • fold the edge(boarder) over the squash wedges, pleating the dough over to fit firmly

  • the centre will remain open

Step 10: Baking

brush the outside of the crust with the lightly beaten egg wash (add a pinch of salt)

TIP: the salt helps to liquify the egg

bake galette 25-35 minutes, until golden brown

remove from oven, place goat cheese rounds in galette centre

cool 5 minutes

slide onto serving platter, sprinkle with herbs, cut into wedges & serve


Lamb Burger


Fall Squash Salad