Spring Quiche

An irresistible Asparagus Quiche, loaded with flavour and simple to make. Accompanied with a fresh spring radish, shaved asparagus and sugar snap salad, drizzled in a simple vinaigrette. Simply start with packaged frozen puff pastry. Top with sautéd leeks & shallots, sprinkle with feta, add asparagus spears.


  • 1 cup sliced leek, whites only

  • 1 large shallot thinly sliced

  • 12 asparagus spears, Shave 6 stems with a vegetable peeler and place shavings into cold water to keep crisp. Cut the remaining 6 spears into slices to add to the quiche. Place the tips onto a cutting board and cut down the centre into two halves.

  • 4 eggs

  • 1 cup 35 % cream

  • 3/4 cup crumbled feta

  • 1 cast iron pan

  • 1 tablespoon butter

  • salt & pepper, can also add nutmeg, pinch of cayenne, or any seasoning you enjoy

METHOD:preparing the 3 components

  • CRUST Thaw puff pastry overnight in refrigerator. On a floured surface, roll out till thin. Generously butter an 8” cast iron skillet, line the skillet with the rolled puff pastry. Place into freezer as you prepare the filling

  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees

  • VEGETABLES In a large skillet, sauté the shallots for 3 minutes, add the leeks and continue sautéing until soft. Cool and add asparagus slices, drain any access liquid.

  • CUSTARD Into a large bowl, beat the eggs with the cream, add the crumbled feta, season set aside


Bake the frozen pastry for 15 minutes, until the bottom is dry to touch. Remove from oven, set aside


. Increase the heat to 425 degreesF

  • Place vegetables into the crust and spread evenly. pour the custard over the vegetables.

  • Place the cut asparagus spear halves over the custard

  • Bake for 15 minutes, turn down the heat to 325 degreesF bake for an additional 30-35 minutes

    TIP: Quiche is cooked when you Insert a knife into the center and the knife comes out clean. Let quiche stand 20 minutes before serving.

    TIP: Plan ahead, make Quiche day before and simply reheat at 325 degreesF for 30 minutes



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