Cast Iron Nicoise

Not your classic Nicoise (Nee-suahz). It’s a one pan dish, full of texture and flavour, ready in the blink of an eye. Loaded with fingerling potatoes, Ontario asparagus, blistered tomatoes, roasted garlic, olives, and Opps jammy eggs cooked in a second pot. This tasty salad comes together quickly with our Ramp Flavouring Kit. The perfect starter course, a light lunch, or a quick mid-week dinner.

Flavouring Components: Ramp Flavouring Kit

1 Preserved Lemon Vinaigrette

2 Pickled Wild Ramp

3 Ramp Oil

4 Crispy Miso Pecan Crumble

Nicoise Components

  • 4oz salmon filet per person

  • fingerling potatoes, sliced in 1/4” rounds

  • 1 Bunch asparagus

  • 2 bunches cherry tomatoes

  • assorted oilves

  • lemon halves

  • 4 garlic cloves, thinly sliced

  • 1 clove garlic minced

  • caper berries

  • mayonaise

  • Washed and spun dry butter lettuce

  • Chopped chives, chopped dill


AIOLI: Blend 1/4 cap mayonaiese with 1 clove garlic minced, and a tablespoon of Preserved Lemon Vinaigrette (flavouring component 1). Cover and refrigerate until ready to use.

EGGS : Bring a pot of water to a rolling boil. Place eggs gently into the pot and boil 7 minutes, place into iced water for 2 minutes. Peel and store in cold water, refrigerate until ready to use.

ROASTING LAYERS: Preheat oven to 425F. Preheat cast iron, drizzle with ramp oil. (flavouring component 3). Place Fingerling potatoes outside perimeter around the hot cast iron pan, season with S&P, top with garlic slices. Roast 7 minutes. Flip potato slices, add tomatoes, drizzle with Ramp Oil (flavouring component 3) and season well. Roast 3 minutes. Season salmon well add filet to centre of cast iron pan. Place asparagus & olives, lemon halves and continue roasting 5-8 minutes. Remove from oven once salmon cooked to your preference. Drizzle with Preserved Lemon Vinaigrette (flavouring component 1)

BUILDING THE NICOISE SALAD: Place butter lettuce onto a large platter. Drizzle lightly with Preserved Lemon Vinaigrette (flavouring component 1), season with S&P. Arrange asparagus, potato slices, tomato clusters, and olives over the lettuces. Scatter with Pickled Wild Ramps (flavouring component 2). Layer chunks of the roasted salmon onto the lettuce.

Cut eggs in half, arrange over the lettuce, season with S&P, sprinkle with Miso Pecan Crumble (flavouring component 4). Add the lemon garlic aioli to the platter and sprinkle with herbs. Garnish with roasted lemon halves.



Spring Asparagus Salad